Tools of the Trade

Athame?  Besom?  Chalice? To someone who is new to the Wiccan practice, it can seem like an arduous task trying to figure out what tools you need when performing a spell or engaging in a ritual.  Whether you’re practicing solo or part of a coven, knowing the tools of the trade is something that all new witches should learn.  In … Read More

Year & A Day: A Wiccan Apprenticeship

Chances are if you’ve done any kind of research (whether online or offline) into Wicca, you’ve come across the “year and a day” concept of actually “becoming” a Wiccan.  There is a lot of controversy within the pagan community about this practice, and about calling oneself a “Wiccan” without a) joining a coven; and b) being properly initiated into Wicca … Read More